
Originality: Make Sure Your Content is 100% Plagiarism-Free

OriginalityAI enables you to ensure that your content is not only 100% unique but also plagiarism-free. If you are a publisher or a business owner, know that you can scan immediately for plagiarism and even know if AI tools have generated the content. Due to its advanced AI and detailed reporting, you will have the assurance of knowing your work is unique and of high quality.

FormXAI tool


FormX is an AI-powered data extraction tool automates data extraction from physical documents like receipts, ID cards, invoices, etc., into structured digital data. Preconfigured models, API integration, user-friendly web portal, mobile scanning, and form data extraction.


ChatDOC – Interact with Your Documents

What is your relationship with PDF files? Do you spend much time searching through pages for relevant info? ChatDOC assists in the way you interact with PDF files by offering help to extract, locate, and summarize information from PDFs with unprecedented speed and accuracy.