15-minute Business Plans

15-minute Business Plans: Create Your Business Plan Quickly & Efficiently

Are you ready to take your entrepreneurial journey to the next level? Meet The Business Plan Factory, your personal team of expert-trained business consultants powered by AI. Imagine having access to a suite of tools and strategies specifically crafted to address your unique business needs, from sparking innovative ideas to making crucial decisions.


FikraHub: Elevate Your Business Ideas

Wondering how FikraHub can help your business journey? This AI-powered platform is designed to empower you with tools to develop essential business elements like SWOT analyses, user stories, and even website prototypes in just minutes.

Gibble: Your Business Management Allay

Are you a startup seeking business management? Gibble is here to help you turn your vision into reality. With Gibble’s comprehensive solution, you can transform your ideas into successful products. Perfect for entrepreneurs like you, Gibble offers a single platform to manage every aspect of your business journey, from product design to brand marketing.