Hoop is the AI-powered to-do list that lets active professionals stay on top of everything going on without experiencing info...
Aimdoc is an AI sales assistant, making customer engagement not only easy but, more importantly, effective. It interacts with...
BlurData is your friend on macOS that will protect sensitive information in screenshots and PDFs from being exposed. It autom...
Imagine having the power of the most potent AI models without bothering with infrastructure management. Well, that is just wh...
Ever feel like managing customer inquiries and documents takes up too much time? UpBrains AI is here to change that. It's a s...
Monkt simplifies the process of converting documents to AI-ready Markdown or JSON from PDFs, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, CSV, or...
Ever wanted a single tool to make web development easier and faster? Cades.dev is the perfect companion for developers, putti...
What if you could convert website visitors into actionable leads without having to break the bank? LeadsNavi is an affordable...
What if creating amazing presentations was as easy as clicking a button? Well, AiPPT is here to make it happen! This AI-power...